Friday, February 27, 2009

Art Centre: February 27, 2009

Art Centre: February 23-27, 2009
Central Technical School Art Centre:
Year Two: Week Twenty-two

Tuesday – Art History

Annunciation – Leonardo da Vinci

High Renaissance Resources

Web Gallery of Art: Northern Renaissance – Directory of Artists

Web Museum, Paris: The Italian Renaissance

ThinkQuest: Famous Artists of the Italian Renaissance

Italian Renaissance Architecture

Spark Notes on the Renaissance – numerous topics

Wednesday – Painting in the morning

No teacher today so classmates took turns acting the model for drawing.

Wednesday - Photography in the afternoon

Schedule given for Photographer presentations
Tutorial for using Power Point given in the computer lab.

Power Point Tutorials online

Thursday – Sculpting

Mounting the cast head on a stand – demonstration
Hopefully notes and photos of the demo to come.

Friday - Life Drawing

Drawing with a model.

Advice on being an artist’s model

Wikipedia on Models

(Art Images from
Original Graphic by S. Karsten)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Art Centre: February 16-20

Art Centre: February 16-20, 2009
Central Technical School Art Centre:
Year Two: Week Twenty-one

Tuesday – Art History/Drawing

We were shown a slide show on Early Renaissance as well as a few online video clips.

Wednesday – Painting in the morning

This week the focus was on drawing shapes and using values

Wednesday - Photography in the afternoon

I got help from a classmate on my dodging and burning assignment.

Taking better photos in black and white:

Thursday – Sculpting

We were given an introduction to anatomy and the skeletal system of humans in preparation for the semester’s projects. There was also a brief demonstration of repairing hydracal models after their removal from the waste mold.

Excellent drawing of bones and muscles taken from artists’ books on anatomy –

Friday – Life Drawing

We had a model today and the focus was on construction lines, ellipses to build the shape of the body and contour lines as we did gesture drawings and blind contours.

(Images from

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Art Centre: February 9-13, 2009

Art Centre: February 9-13, 2009
Central Technical School Art Centre:
Year Two: Week Twenty

Tuesday – Art History/Drawing

We were shown a video on the Gothic period, “Light in the Darkness” part of a well-done series on art history – not sure of the name of the series. There was time after that to talk with the teacher (and classmates) about the numerous projects in progress.

Wednesday – Painting in the morning

I was impressed with the instruction and guidance given in the class this week. We were drawing simple shapes set up on a platform. We were shown how to place the easel, how to hold the charcoal or conte, and an effective way to move quickly from one object to another capturing spatial relationships.

Wednesday - Photography in the afternoon

After last week’s long session in the dark room, I didn’t feel inspired to get going on my dodging and burning assignment. I did get suggestions from the teacher as to which shots would likely work well and I was shown some excellent examples.

Thursday – Sculpting

No demonstrations this week allowed everyone time to work on their waste molds. I unwrapped both my classmate head and fusion head and placed them so that when dry, they can be broken up and the clay recycled. I worked on a very small head of my cat. I also had an opportunity to ask questions related to my research on Tribal North American West Coast sculptural art.

I’ve been spending a lot of time looking for 20th Century sculptors. In the process I have discovered a few sites that may be helpful to others working on their research.

PBS series on 72 featured American artists -
Wikipedia American Sculptors -
21st C. Briitish Sculptors -
9th and 20th C. European sculptors -
Masters of 20th Century Figure Sculpture -

Friday – PD day for teachers – no class

Friday, February 6, 2009

Art Centre: February 2-6, 2009

Art Centre: February 2-6, 2009
Central Technical School Art Centre:
Year Two: Week Nineteen

Tuesday – Art History/Drawing

We were loaded with assignments and projects for the semester ahead. A power point on Gothic period was shown. The first due date is for the Gothic Aesthetic Project. Here are some links to get started. Our teacher is on Facebook -

Wikipedia: Gothic Art –
Metropolitan Museum Timeline -
Gothic Art and Architecture –
Art History Resources on the Web: Gothic Art –
OK Arts: Gothic Painting –

Wednesday – Painting in the morning

A short class as there was a lecture given to all art students mid-morning. Our teacher covered supplies needed for drawing which will be the main part of the course and for painting which we will get to now and then. Our teacher has a website gallery -

Wednesday - Photography in the afternoon

Happily one of my classmates kindly offered to guide me through the contrast assignment. It took us about two hours to produce an original 4x5 print then three prints with magenta filters and three with yellow filters, matching a section of the original photo in the mid-tone area.

Thursday – Sculpting

A new presentation project was outlined and dates were set for each of these. We were given a demonstration for retrieving the hydracal version of the sculpted head from the mold. Notes are here:
Accompanying pictures of the process are here:
Our sculpting teacher has a brief biography online -

Friday – Life Drawing

A very challenging setup today – a model of a horse in white plastic was perched on the body of a cello that was placed on an old carpet. Pink fabric was draped around one end of the cello. Our drawing teacher has a website gallery -